Leafy Lady

Leafy Lady: Cannabis Leaf Structure


Look at this juicy NLx5 X Haze / OG haze leaf! Pretty, right? Genetics are from the very legit @agseedco . I find cannabis plant leaf structure so interesting. This leaf’s leaflets (the five individual spears) serrations are double; you can see if you zoom in. Just fascinating. 

What plant info can we glean from the leaf shape alone? A lot, it turns out!

Phyllotaxy (the arrangement of leaves on the plant stem and super cool word IMO) can give us a bunch of info about the plant from which it comes. 

Genetics Clues. Leaf structure differentiates Cultivar, Strain Type or subspecies: #Sativa leaves are long and slender with plentiful leaflets (they look more serrated to me, too); #Indica leaves tend to be on the wider side with fewer leaflets; and #Ruderalis (Hemp) are short, stout plants with smaller leaves, sort of reminiscent of a stunted Indica-leaner. Ruderalis is also naturally high in CBD and low in THC. 


Plant health. Leaf appearance and shape will inform how the plant is doing nutritionally. The big things I look for are taco-ing (turning inward cause it’s too hot), yellowing/discoloration due to nutrient shock or lack of water. 

Harvest time. Leave become less turgid, vibrant and start fall away as the sugars within the leaves are used up by the plant as it ripens. 

But what do leaves actually DO for the plant? 

Leaves perform many essential tasks associated with the photosynthesis process including absorption of carbon dioxide, release h2O and oxygen, intake of light, water and other nutrients (enter foliar feeding).

While less prevalent, Terpenes are still present in leaves too. Terpenes are a natural pest control for the plant and they emit the spectrum of elevating scents we associate with bud. Natural aromatherapy diffuser! 

Uses for leaves are evolving, too. Aside from the cannabis leaf’s inherent cultural, medicinal, and societal symbolism of cannabis culture, what once were generally considered a byproduct by Westerners, canna leaves can be used in juices, smoothies, pesto, salad greens, a simple dried seasoning like parsley or oregano, tea/tisane, floral arrangements, art and craft projects, roll blunts/thai sticks, bath beauty - you name it. 

What most intrigues you about #cannabis?